We headed south to Karijini NP where White Lightning was put to the test on a couple of terribly corregated (washboard) roads. We hiked both Dales Gorge (we camped here at the NP campground) and the Weano Gorge, both were very nice but Weano Gorge was a little more fun as we had to do a bit of clinging to the rock walls and climbing down walls into pools by toehold and handrail...in spots we felt like spiderman. White Lightning and our clothing will never be the same after the fine RED dirt (get the idea of how red the really is?).
We very disappointed when we were unable to snorkel The Great Barrier Reef so we bought fins and snorkels in Broome and were very excited to be able to try our hand at snorkeling on the Ningaloo Reef on the west coast. People here say the Ningaloo Reef maybe isn't as big but is definitely as good as The Great Barrier and it's easier to get to because you can walk out to it from the beach. We snorkeled 3 times on the Ningaloo, at Cape Range NP near Exmouthe, at Coral Bay and again near the Blow holes where we did a drift snorkel, getting pulled along by the tidal currents. Sad to say the water was a little too cold to stay in very long but we managed to see coral, some colourful fish and a ray.
The west coast was loaded with National Parks and we seemed to be skipping down from one to the next. Kalbarri NP offered us more great walking trails in the gorges along the Murchison River and some great views as we walked the cliffs along the Indian Ocean. The countryside began to change when we started to arrive in the area of Kalbarri, farms of sheep, cattle and oats/wheats. It was nice to see green fields again!
Along with the green we started to see white, big white sand dunes amongst the green. The last NP we visited before Perth was the Namburg NP with its very strange boulders standing straight up out of the desert in the middle on no where.
So many different parks with so many different characteristics, (but we are getting a bit gorged out). We have been running into some of the same people all along the way down the west coast and in Perth we stayed with Elspeth and Michael and had a great time visiting and reminiscing about our vacations north along the coast. They make and market a coconut frozen nondairy organic dessert, we spent one evening testing flavours. Yummy, check out their website at coconutz.org and hit 'about' for a great ad, Michael made the whole site. Good work!
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